If you like this one, you might like this one: The 5 Stages of Love: Why Too Many Stop at Stage 3 Ironically, the majority of men never get to the final stage, which is the most coveted.
The most common reason, according to the most recent research, is that guys are too busy chasing the wrong women, or women who don’t even want them. These are the guys who only date women when they want sex, and don’t even try to date them when they want to be in love.
These are the guys who sleep around too much, but only want to be in a relationship when sex is no longer on the table. It’s time to stop.

Relationships only seem to get better with time but what do you do when a relationship reaches a point where you feel like it’s going no further than the last time you were together? Well, we’ve all been there, but there’s a good chance you’ve never heard about it before.
Love doesn’t just happen. It’s a natural, gradual process. But many of us are stuck between stages 1 and 4. The first stage, Infatuation, is characterized by excitement and wonder. Stage 2, Attraction, is when you and your partner start to build an emotional connection. Stage 3, Companionship, is characterized by stability and comfort. But not everyone goes beyond this. According to a recent study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, about 9% of men and 24% of women never make it to stage 4.. Read more about love at different stages of life and let us know what you think.
Why Do So Many People Stop at Stage 3 of the Love Cycle?

We all know that love is a beautiful thing – but if you’ve reached the stage in your relationship where you’re just bored with it, take a look at where you might have gone wrong in your relationship and what you can do to get your love life back on track.. Read more about stages of love honeymoon phase and let us know what you think.
1. The first time you see your crush
2. The day you realize they’re the one
3. When they say I love you for the first time
4. When they propose to you
5. When they die
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Stage 3 in a relationship?
Stage 3 is the final stage of a relationship.
Why do couples stop loving each other?
Couples stop loving each other because they are no longer compatible.
What are 5 stages love?
A: 1. The first time you see your crush 2. The day you realize they’re the one 3. When they say I love you for the first time 4. When they propose to you 5. When they die